I coded this app in Python. It is my own version of the popular Hangman Game in which a word (which is a name of an animal) with missing letters is displayed on the screen and you get 7 chances to guess the missing letters. On every wrong guess, an ASCII art image of 'hangman' is displayed, getting closer to being hanged and a 'fail' sound is played. On every correct guess, the half guessed word is shown and a 'cheering' sound is played. When you correctly guess all the missing letters, a 'clapping' sound is played and when you lose all your 7 chances to guess, a 'loser' sound is played and the full word is displayed along with the 'Hanged Man' ASCII art image.
I used an algorithm which reads the list of words from a text file and randomly hides the letters before showing the word to guess depending on its length on every loop. I used winsound Python library for playing sounds.
Source code is available in my GitHub Repository.